The Big 5 Experiment

These are what your test results say about you :

Please note that these results are NOT a replacement for a professional psychological examination and should NOT be treated as such. Please do not worry if your result is not what you'd expect as there is a level of error in all psychological self assessment tests.

Openness distinguishes people with common, narrow interests from people with a wide rangeof interests and curious nature.Your answers indicate a medium to high degree of openness, with a score of 79%. Some or all of the following words may sometimes apply to you: Wide-interested, imaginative, intelligent, original, curious, inventive, sharp-wittedd, clever, curious, sophisticated, igneious, witty, wise

Conscientiousness distinguishes disorerly people from organized, precise people.Your answers indicate a medium degree of concientiousness, with a score of 57%. This means that you don't display a strong leaning to either end of the spectrum. Sometimes the following words will apply to you : Organized, thorough, planful, efficient, responsible, reliable, dependable, precise, conscientious,cautious, painstaking, BUT, from time to time, you can also display the elements of the following traits: careless, disorderly,frivolous, irresponsible, slipshot, undependable, forgetful.

Agreeableness distinguishes stern, quarrelsome people from friendly, cooperative people. Your answers indicate a medium degree of agreeableness, with a score of 57%. This means that you don't display a strong leaning to either end of the spectrum. Sometimes the following words will apply to you : Sympathetic, kind, appreciative, warm, generous, trusting, friendly,good natured, unselfish, sensitive, cooperative, good-natured BUT, from time to time, you can also display the elements of the following traits: Fault-findning, cold, stern, quarrelsome, unfriendly, hard heated, stingy, thankless.

Extroversion distinguishes imaginative people from down-to-earth, conventional people.Your answers indicate a medium to high degree of extroversion, with a score of 86%.Some or all of the following words may sometimes apply to you: chatty, active, affectionate, outgoing and sociable.

Neuroticism distinguishes stable, contented people from tense,anxious people.Your answers indicate a medium degree of neuroticism, with a score of 57%. This means that you don't display a strong leaning to either end of the spectrum. Sometimes the following words will apply to you : Tense, anxious, nervous, worrying, high-strung, temperamental, self-punishing, unstable, emotional. BUT, from time to time, you can also display the elements of the following traits: stable, calm, contented.

Scheming: Very very high scorers are characterized by the manipulation and exploitation of others, with a cynical disregard for morality and a focus on self-interest and deception.

Limelight Seeking: Very very high scorers are generally characterized by a grandiose self-view, a sense of entitlement, lack of empathy, and egotism.

Impulsive Risk Taking: Very very high scorers are generally characterized by impulsive thrill-seeking, selfishness, callousness, lack of personal affect, superficial charm, and remorselessness.

Bonus : As a bonus, we used your Big 5 results to guess your Myers Briggs Type

ESFP you only go around once inlife.

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(1) Gosling, S. D., Rentfrow, P. J., & Swann, W. B., Jr. (2003). A Very Brief Measure of the Big Five Personality Domains. Journal of Research in Personality, 37, 504-528

(2) Paulhus, D.L., & Jones, D.N. (2011, January). Introducing a short measure of the Dark Triad. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio.