Archive for Smofcon 30 - Registration


Smofcon 30 rates: $75 at the door. If you have a family member coming along who does not plan to attend any Program or the Saturday lunch, you can buy a "Family - Con Suite Only" membership at the door for $20.

In addition to the standard Smofcon membership, we're also offering a $20 family membership for family members who want to use the Con Suite. That will be available at the door only. Note: At the door, we can only accept cash or checks.

At-Con Registration

  • Thursday - badges for pre-reg available
    9-midnight in Con Suite
  • Friday - at-con and pre-reg both available
    10-6 in Riverview C
    9-midnight in Con Suite
  • Saturday - at-con and pre-reg both available
    10-12:30 in Riverview C

The badges have bull-dog style clips that can be attached to the back of the badge. If you prefer lanyards, you'll need to bring a lanyard. We will have a laminate punch by late Friday afternoon.